Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Signup Procedure

Here is how:

(Assuming your request has been accepted.)

1. You'll get an e-mail from Blogger.com saying click a given link. Click it.

2. It will ask your Gmail-ID to sign in with. I suggest you do it using your Gmail-ID which you use frequently because every time someone comments on your post this is the only way to get notified.

If you do not have a Gmail ID create one - you can see an option saying sign-up Gmail or something like that.

3. Once you logged in, you can see dash-board, where you see links like add new post, edit profile etc.


To log in next time, open www.blogger.com, sign in new blogger account (using your Gmail ID that you entered during blog sign up.) and hooray, you can post now!

Enjoy posting!

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